Thursday, September 9, 2010


The physics of tall structures:

A tall structure must have a stable and strong base. The reason to that is because the base must always be heavier than the top. Since gravity is 9.8 m/s, the heavier the top is, the easier it is for the structure to collapse. Known from the equation-
And also:
We can understand how to calculate the structure stability from gravity. But also there are other factors such as the wind, that can not be calculated... but we can understand how stable a tall structure is using the wind. You must first understand that the wind can be quite strong, so it can blow down a structure if it is weak. We can prevent that from happening may be to make all the parts tight together. We can also calculate the potential energy of a tall structure by using the formula- Eg= mgh... but that is off topic.

What makes a tall structure stable?-

Tall structures have the disadvantage of being too unstable due to gravity (as shown above) but one thing which supports it greatly is the base. A strong base can contribute to many tall structures. For example, the CN Tower,  it becomes more narrow as it extends to the top. That makes it stable and tall.

What is the center of gravity?

The center of gravity is usually the point where the structure balances. That point would be the central point of a structure, even though it's called the center of gravity, it doesn't necessary have to be in the middle. The center of gravity can be slightly below the exactly middle of the building. The reason to that is because the base is much wider than the narrow part, so the center of gravity must be where two parts of a structure has the same weight. In that case where the base is the widest in the structure; the center of gravity is lower than the exact middle of the structure.

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